Why Trust Me? I'm a Movement Expert!
Hey friends,
Now that you know a little bit about how things have evolved at Studio 400 with Movement Therapy sessions and how it can change your life, you might be wondering about how I became qualified to help you make these changes in the way you move that allow you to live pain free. I’ll share a bit about this and then offer you a way to get started on your movement journey today, for free!
My students often comment on my exceptional eye- exclaiming things like ‘how did you SEE that?” and “how did you know that?”. I’ve spent more than ten years looking at bodies, doing thousands of postural analysis and staying educated through courses on different conditions, issues and injuries. My experience allows me to bring you awareness of the most subtle changes that could make all the difference.
In the first ten years of my teaching, I made it a point to take as many classes and courses as I possibly could. I took at least double the continuing education hours that were required for my Stott Pilates Certification. This was costly and time consuming to me, but I knew if I packed in a lot of training in my early years that I would have so much more to offer my students. I wanted to become a true expert in my field. I took courses in so many different areas which has given me a well rounded point of view, the ability to see so many things when I look at a body, and a very deep toolbox for approaching how I help my clients. It has paid dividends with the healing that I now see in my practice. There is a laundry list of the additional courses and certifications I have earned over the years- I thought about typing them here but you can visit my website if you are interested in reading about them!
“Mandee is such a life changer. I lived with chronic pain for over a decade and I tried everything, she was what really changed things for me. This is like PT on steroids. Mandee really retrains you to use your body in a holistic and gentle way by teaching body awareness, posture, and stability. I send her all of my patients!! So grateful for Mandee.” - Rebecca
“Mandee is such an amazing Instructor. She truly understands that Pilates is all about the fine tuning of the local/tiny muscles that support your overall alignment. She has SUCH a good eye, and catches the nuances that make the BIGGEST differences, even virtually! I always come out feeling like a new person. She creates such customized programs….especially for people with injuries (both major and minor) and can tweak each program based on your daily ups and downs. She is just the best!” -Marla
My approach in sessions is completely individualized to YOUR body and what YOU need. I will teach you how to do a reset to find better positions and results. Everyone will walk away with their own personal reset routine, but to make things accessible and give you a chance to check out my teaching style, I've recorded my signature reset routine that is well rounded enough to make anyone feel better.
My Signature Reset Routine will help bring you into balance
Do you want to try out my signature reset routine today for free? Or even better- get access to all of my On Demand videos? From regular Pilates and Yoga videos, to pre/postpartum, to the Foundation videos that my students use as homework in 1:1 sessions, it’s all in my monthly subscription. You can try 7 Days Free today! Or, get access to just the signature reset routine by using code RESET at checkout to make it free!
I'm thinking about sharing some more personal and vulnerable stories about how I got started in my early years, so stay tuned for another post about my inspiration and how listening to my gut got me where I am today.
Yours in Health,
Mandee Louie