I'm Getting a Bit Personal and Sharing a Lot About My Past
Hey there,
I feel blessed to say that I am someone who has accepted my dharma, my true calling. I have a job that I live for, that fills me up, that I am very good at, that comes naturally to me, and it holds my interest even above my hobbies. But it wasn’t always this way. On the way to getting to this place, I walked out on a job that I thought was a blessing, an opportunity that tons of people would give their right arm for. Today I want to share with you a very personal story and at the end I’ll gift you a little something that’s only for my newsletter subscribers.
Some of you know about my years slinging product for a major sports company. One of the best in the world, actually. A slogan that people know in all corners of the globe. And for some reason, that dream job just didn’t do it for me. I appreciated the allure of the brand, the benefits, the consistent paycheck. Those are the things that kept me hanging on, always trying to peer around the corner to that next promotion, that next thing that would make me happier. Circa 2010ish, I was always looking for that next thing, and it never showed up. There was a stirring in my soul letting me know I wasn’t in a place where I was best utilizing my talents.
But I had a little secret on the side. Pilates. And Yoga. Not only was I practicing on my own to keep my sanity, but I had gone through teacher training on the evenings and weekends. I spent most of my down time for a year studying an intense Pilates program. My thought was that I could teach on the weekend for fun, and then one day, 10, 15 or even 25 years down the road, if I was lucky, I would just teach. The training would be a good thing to have under my belt should I have kids and want to work part time. I never expected it would be any sooner than that time frame and definitely didn’t think I could do it as a single woman. After I took an extremely challenging test (one ex lawyer colleague told me it was harder than the bar), I became fully certified and began moonlighting as a Pilates Instructor. This was my passion, and I pursued it in my downtime, slowly working and growing my side hustle. My corporate job was still the main focus, but my heart had long escaped from that cubicle.
All this time, I traveled. I traveled the world on my paid vacations, taking 10-day or two-week trips to all the places I wanted to go. Sometimes I could convince a girlfriend to go with me, sometimes I went alone. And it was on these trips that I had space away from my cluttered inbox and angry bosses that I could really envision my purpose. Getting away does wonders for bringing clarity and courage. Here is a photo of me in Thailand, on a tiny remote little beach. It was here, laying on my back in the water, that I had an awakening about what had been happening.
Island in Thailand
The universe (God) had been sending me all these little messages about my dharma, my life purpose, and I had been refusing to listen based on fear. It was here on that little island that I finally knew for certain that I would need to quit my life-draining gig and move onto something where I could better serve. And it turns out my side-gig was serving plenty of people, helping them post-rehab from injuries, getting out of pain due to bad postural habits, and inspiring them to get fit through Pilates incredible system of movement.
I began to pray consistently for more signs and affirmations that this was my purpose. That I was supposed to leave this very sought after company, leave my stability, 401K, stock options and also the intense grind. But they didn’t come. It was just this extreme nagging at my soul that said, “yes”. You know the feeling. Some people call it intuition. I call it God. I can’t explain it any other way. It was a nagging that I realized had been there for months, maybe even years, and I finally let myself listen to it. And finally--on July 13th, 2015-- I quit.
I had no guarantees. I simply followed that stirring in my soul. I listened. I leapt into an empty swimming pool and it turns out that by the time I reached the bottom, God had filled it with water, giving me a launching pad to my dharma, my life.
Since I took this leap, I have gone from teaching 5 sessions per week to 32 and then back down to 20 with room for special workshops. I have led all sorts of fun classes and teach retreats that sell out. Shortly after I quit that job, I met my future husband. I continued to travel far and wide, and it is on those travels that I have my most creative moments that inspire my new career. It is something about that space that travel or retreat gives us that brings out the best in us.
In 2020, the pandemic led me down a different path of virtual teaching and creating online offerings that helped people to stay healthy and mobile during the stay at home time. The at-home videos turned into an educational teaching library that became ‘homework’ for my 1:1 sessions in order to better learn the foundations of movement. In 2021 I had a baby, and my schedule condensed as my husband and I juggled caring for the baby and working when childcare wasn’t an option. The lack of space in my schedule helped me get very clear on what I offer and what results I can empower you to bring into your life. I now hold space for those who are in pain or recovering from an injury. My clients have shown me that the combination of 1:1 sessions, foundational homework videos, and Pilates movement classes brings healing, and I offer those things at my studio- Studio 400.
Thanks to your support, I have built my business to a comfortable, fulfilling and balanced level. Today, I have no doubt that I was always meant to get to this place at this time. Yes it was scary to leave that job. But it wasn’t the one for me. This one is. I am a Movement Therapy Instructor who empowers you to get out of pain through my teachings. That is my dharma, my true calling, and I couldn’t be more content!
I’d love to work with you! Join my WAITLIST for 1:1 sessions, and in the meantime, get started by checking out my courses on All About the Pelvic Floor, Postpartum Course and my On Demand Library Subscription (try 7 Days Free!) As a special gift to those of you reading this newsletter, your subscription will come with FREE personalized recommendations from me with suggestions on what videos might be your best starting point. To redeem, sign up for the subscription, reply to this email and tell me about what brings you to Movement Therapy- any injuries and issues you’re dealing with that will help me direct you on your path to healing!
Wow, did you really make it to the end? I really want to connect with you, so please comment or email me and let me know how it made you feel or simply how you're doing this week. I read every comment and email, and I can't wait to connect!
Yours in Health,