It's Time to Get Reaquainted

Why Hello Again

I thought it might be time to re-introduce myself to all of you loyal blog and newsletter readers! There have been a lot of changes in the last few years in how I'm showing up for you and there are a lot of new people that I'm connected with! I'll be posting in the next week to update you and share some personal stuff!

I’m Mandee Louie, some of you may have known me for years as Mandee Pearson (remember her!?) I want to share with you my life’s work, which involves so many more important layers than ‘exercise’. While you will see fun offerings like Yoga, Pilates, Toddler Yoga, Postpartum & Pelvic Floor programs, retreats and more, my specialty and where I thrive is helping people get out of pain by teaching them how to live differently in their body. I teach you the ‘why’ and empower you to notice, sense and feel your body so you will know when you are moving well and in good posture. This helps you to recognize your inadvertent postural habits that have led you into pain, injury, or discomfort. It leads to a lifetime of pain free living!

I see clients who are working through issues, pain or injuries, so the session is not a ‘workout’ but more of an instructional time of how to move with better biomechanics that can lead to pain free movement. For ten years I saw clients weekly- they relied on me every week to help put them back together. This WORKED but it made me sad that it was expensive and time consuming- inaccessible to many. I began giving homework to students to speed up healing and empower them to get out of pain on their own. It helped! The good alignment began to transfer over with more repetition. But, the feedback was that it’s so hard to remember exactly what we did in our sessions and recreating those movements on your own is not an easy feat.

A Santosha Signature 1:1 session includes a postural analysis

That’s why I created the Santosha Signature model that combines 1:1 sessions with homework via videos and small group classes. This is something I started implementing toward the end of 2021- a change in direction on how I teach 1:1 sessions for those with injury & pain. Each session starts with a postural analysis that will give me the roadmap for our session and direct which movements will help bring you back into alignment. I empower you to learn how to do resets to find the ‘right’ positions and move efficiently with more awareness. Doing guided homework via videos in between 1:1 sessions is a close second to having me there with you to lead you through effective movement and create lasting change. Small group classes are the bridge between 1:1 sessions and getting yourself into the 'maintenance' stage. Soon enough, you'll be moving with more ease, less pain and be better equipped to do your favorite sport or exercise!

There are regular ‘ah-hah’ moments in my studio, both in Portland, Ore and in my Zoom studio where we pinpoint something students have unintentionally been doing that has led them into pain. I am your Movement Therapy guide- I bring things to your attention, show you how to make improvements, and then you create your healing by putting the tools I teach you into play!

But, I’m talking too much! Will you comment or email me and tell me why or how you got connected with me, and/or your favorite way to treat yourself? I read every email and want to get to know and stay engaged with you.

Stay tuned for our next hang out email (next week!) where I’ll tell you more about how this model has made a difference in people’s lives and a free gift from me that you can start doing today to get a head start! First, let’s make sure I won’t end up in your promotions tab, or worse, spam. Go ahead and hover over my email address in the from section on this email and click the + and ‘add to contacts!”

Yours in health,

Mandee Louie


Why Trust Me? I'm a Movement Expert!


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