Movement can help SO MUCH with not only the typical aches and pains of pregnancy, but with positioning of the baby that leads to easier, more comfortable labor and birth. My first baby was breach and when I found that out after 34 weeks, I used movement to turn him, but he kept moving back. This went on until the very end when my doula helped me turn him at the last minute, literally in labor we had some positioning work with movement to do! This time around, I was determined to do all I can on the front end and throughout to ensure not only an easeful pregnancy in my own body, but to allow my baby the most amount of space to achieve optimal positioning for birth! And it definitely paid off with a much easier pregnancy, going into labor naturally and having a quick birth with optimal baby positioning!

Mandee at 36 weeks pregnant with her second child.

Movement during pregnancy can be TARGETED to help with baby position. Even early on in pregnancy, these movements can help keep YOU in optimal alignment, which will make a more comfortable space for baby. Using movements that allow the pelvis to move will give baby space to rotate head down, like a lunge with open rotation or quadruped with pelvic rotation.

Quadruped with pelvic rotation

Side lunge elevated on chair (I did this in labor with my 1st to turn baby)

Running- alternating heel lifts with exaggerated pelvic rotation.

Standing functional exercises like squats with light arm weights are great for strength, labor prep and mobility. I love the modified burpees or camper pose that opens the pelvis while building glute, hip and pelvic floor strength.

Squats with light weights

Camper pose, or turn this into modified burpees by stretching up to standing and reaching arms overhead before returning back down.

Overhead press with light weights as well as a bit of back extension are lovely additions for strength and mobility. A variety of movements will help create optimal posture for you, which brings comfort during your pregnancy rather than common aches and pains. And, when your body is in balance, it creates optimal space for baby to move around and find the best position for labor and birth!

Overhead press with light weights

Back extension

These are just SOME of the movements I recommend and I teach you HOW to do them in my prenatal on demand videos! There are tons of prenatal Pilates, Fitness & Yoga videos inside The Santosha Movement Society- they have their own stand alone category! The SMS is a hub with unlimited video access, a free monthly call with me, and discounts on live classes and 1:1 sessions either on Zoom or at my studio in West Portland, Oregon. You can get started for just $25/month which pays for itself with just one offering- click the button below for even more info on the membership!

PS The membership ALSO has a postpartum category, so you’re set even through the fourth trimester!


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