You and Newborns


Comparing Movement Therapy

to Raising a Newborn

Raising a newborn is the most joyful yet challenging thing I have ever done. The constant care is a little bit like a game where you have to figure out what to do next. Is he hungry, is it the diaper, is he cold, does he need a tighter swaddle? Trying each thing until you figure out what it was. And each baby is different! Luckily I only have mine to figure out. 

With the human body and my work there are so many more possibilities of what the right answer could be. I specialize in helping people get out of pain by empowering them to improve their posture through movement. 

With my clients, I look at each body individually. I look for how it responds to different movement. With a postural assessment I have a general idea of where to begin- as in which exercises, in what order, and the specific cues you will need in order to make the connection from mind to body. But the way your body responds is how I know what path to continue on. It is a harmonious relationship and a joint effort. (Pun intended!) You have a big hand in how your session plays out. Your feedback as well as how your body responds will forge the path forward into an individualized program for getting out of pain, improving your quality of life or meeting your specific goals. 

That is one of the big reasons that I love what I do. Every session is different and each of them is a puzzle. Every time we meet I continue to fit the pieces together based on what unfolds in front of my eyes. My work is deeper than that of the physical exercise of Pilates & Yoga. It is a blend of my comprehensive knowledge of all the trainings I’ve ever done- take a peek at my bio on my website to see just a few of them like fascia hydration and neurological conditions. It’s also comprehensive of what I’ve learned from all my clients bodies. I take everything I’ve ever learned and use the systems of Pilates, Yoga and Therapeutics to help empower you to move in a more biomechanically sound way- and in turn- feeling better in your body. 

I’m so grateful to be teaching private sessions again in my home studio. At this point all my ongoing weekly sessions are full but please respond to this message to be added to my waitlist for when I open up more slots, (working on childcare!) or to jump in on openings when my current clients cancel. I’m also available for a single session to determine whether you’d be a good fit for any of my small virtual group classes- results can happen in groups too! I’d be honored to be trusted to help in your journey of taking care of your body!

Questions on whether Movement Therapy is for you- or have you been wanting to try a virtual class? Respond and let me know! I read every email and would love to have a conversation, or just hear how you’re doing! 


Love, Mandee Louie


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