Guess Who's Back?


Greetings to my lovely students!

I have so enjoyed this time with Jaden and will slowly be easing myself back into teaching! I cannot WAIT to see you online very soon!

Summer Class Schedule

Mondays 9am: Virtual Mat Pilates (starts June 7th)
Tuesdays 8am: Virtual Yoga (starts June 15th)

*****Stay tuned for an email next week when registration is live!*****

For MAC Members, you can catch me on Sundays at 10am for Virtual Ellové starting sometime in June-TBD!


We will now be using light hand weights some of the time in Monday Mat Pilates- you can use soup cans at home or if you'd like to purchase some you can use my affiliate links here and here. For a more neutral color go here and here.

In Studio Privates

I will be teaching privates on Mondays only for the summer. My regular Monday clients are back with me starting June 7th and I do have some cancellations throughout the summer where you could hop over for a session! Please reply to this email to be added to my cancellation list, or to be added to my waitlist when I add in more days of teaching private sessions. PS: Jaden visits during your session are available upon request!


India Update

I am overjoyed to report that our community of Santosha Pilates raised just over $2,000 to feed those in Delhi that are out of work due to the covid crisis. My friend Tino, whom I knew from traveling there many times, was able to deliver food for days and days, about 400 servings per day. As I sent him the final wire transfer as your donations came in, I asked him what will happen now? He has contacted an NGO to see about some type of continuing aide for the communities he was feeding with your donations. He mentioned our community of Santosha Pilates in Oregon and how we served them even being so many thousands of miles away. I will let you know as I receive more updates! Thank you again for your generous donations and take a peek at my 'highlights' on my instagram (@santoshapilates) for video footage.

On Demand Videos

My On Demand Library is growing and growing with more than 100 videos. My Pre-natal and Postpartum section of the library is rockin as well! If you haven't subscribed, please consider it, and if you have, thank you for continuing your subscription! It allows me to serve you at the day and time most convenient to you, with workouts tailored to what your body needs (like choosing videos based on description & length). And for me, it allows me to continue to work from home flexibly while I navigate being a working mom! CLICK HERE for more info and to subscribe!


You and Newborns


Life Right Now + Serving India