
“Helping out is not some special skill. It is not the domain of rare individuals. It is not confined to a single part of our lives. We simply heed the call of that natural impulse within and follow it where it leads us.” -Ram Dass

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I’d like to share with you about seva. Seva is selfless service- a service performed without expecting anything in return.  I first learned about seva when I visited an ashram in India. In the ashram each person has a job that contributes to the collective running of the ashram. Some people cook, clean, sew, teach, work in the store, check people in and out, and more tasks that allow the functionality of the ashram. There are even people whose seva is to organize the seva of the collective group. Seva is about being of service and sharing of yourself. This is not unique to an ashram- we perform seva in everyday life. Seva helps us to grow. It supports our community and cultivates your spiritual growth. When we find something we are passionate about, we can serve our community by sharing that gift. Your seva is likely something you are not only passionate about but inherently good at- it’s likely something you already do; something that is a part of you. 

“By acting compassionately, by helping to restore justice and to encourage peace, we are acknowledging that we are all part of one another.” – Ram Dass

There is power in giving our energy and gifts to others. We can share of ourselves with seva. We can undoubtedly use our seva in areas of social justice and equality. Many of us have been asking ourselves what we, as just one person, can do to help bring justice to our world. And I believe the answer has always been inside of us. Your seva is there, whether it’s obvious to you or if it’s hidden deep down. Your efforts need not sweep the globe. Focus on your community and the lives you touch. What is something you are passionate about? Can you use that strength to help the collective good? How can you be of service in areas of social justice and equality, right within your inner circle?


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