Introducing On Demand Videos!


Now you can have unlimited access to my video library, anytime, anywhere with WIFI. In an attempt to serve more of you, I have been hard at work creating many different offerings in this library. From 5 minute tutorials to full classes and everything in between, there is something for everyone. Express workouts range from 10-30 minutes- whatever you want to squeeze in.  Or do an entire class for 55 min! 

For those of you with sporadic meetings that can’t commit to a class ahead of time.

For those of you who want early morning, evening and Saturday workouts.

For those of you who want to be spontaneous and hit ‘play’ whenever the mood strikes. 

For those of you who want/need to spend less- for the cost of less than two live classes receive unlimited access to all of my recordings. 

For those of you with specific injuries- you can go back to the basics and even do routines specifically for your issue.

For those of you who want to try a new format in the privacy of your home. (never done yoga? Barre sculpt? Chair yoga?)

For those of you regulars in my Tuesday morning Yoga class that have been asking for a 2nd weekly class. Now you can do a 2nd Yoga class anytime you’d like, and repeat the sequences you like most! 

How else can I serve you? I will take ongoing feedback on which offerings you’d like to see more of! 

I appreciate you supporting me and my small business by subscribing! 


Currently there are 15 videos and I will be adding videos monthly. 

TRY ONE FOR FREE! I’m gifting you my favorite ‘reset’ routine. These are my go-to exercises when things don't feel quite right in my body. This reset routine is a great addition to any everyday movement sequence, whether at the beginning or end. It can be used to 'reset' your body to better posture when feeling tight or imbalanced. This is a nice one to do after sitting for a lengthy time or you feel like you're creeping back into poor postural habits. Be done in 17 minutes and repeat daily or as often as you’d like! Find this free video on my subscription page here. 


How To

Visit my website and hit Subscribe Now. Within 24 hours you will receive a password to the site. Login, fill out the waiver, and get moving! You will be automatically billed $25 each month and receive a special subscribers only email newsletter at the start of the month with news on new videos and a new password. 

What People Are Saying:

I’m really impressed with Mandee’s video library. She has clearly put a lot of time and thought into this offering — as she always does. Her excellent cuing means I can get a high-quality workout by recorded video on the days that I can’t attend class live and there’s a really nice variety of options to suit my body’s needs and limits on my time. 
— Tammy 

“Mandee is an amazing instructor in person, on zoom, and through her on demand videos. I love how she has tailored the videos to full and express workouts. Sometimes I am just too busy to do a full but can squeeze in 15 minutes for an express. These can be done anywhere and when you need a break from your computer. The full ones are amazing too. I highly recommend the On Demand videos.”



“If I come to your door and knock and all you do is open the door and walk away, how do you think I will react? We have gone through the actions of having me visit, but without inviting me in, without acknowledging my presence, without starting communication, do you think I will stay? How many times do you think I will come knock at your door if that is the way I am treated? We have to recognize, invite, and welcome the mind into an asana for the knowledge process of yoga to happen.”

Prashant Iyengar paraphrased – July 2020

With Love and FAITH!

Mandee Louie




Pop-Up Classes in the Park