Movement Therapy


When I hear someone talk about the pain their body is in, something in me stirs. I know that I have the insight and knowledge to bring them awareness and instruction that can make a difference, and I want to provide that to them. I am most satisfied when someone commits to working with me and after just a few short weeks their reported pain and issues have begun to subside substantially. The work we do together is unique- there is a difference between just leading you through a workout and teaching you how to move properly in all facets of your life, taking you out of pain and discomfort. Yes, I do use Pilates & Yoga, but it's so much more than that.

Over the past 9 months I've shifted my business to accommodate the current state of the world while also having an opportunity to reflect on where my passions are and how my gifts can be best utilized. I have always had a keen interest in working one-on-one with people to address pain, injuries, special conditions, structural issues, and to help people understand their body mechanics enough to more safely participate in group classes while getting more out of them. Although I was trained and continue to train with my teachers in individualized care, life at the MAC had taken me down a road of lots of small group classes. Over 8 years I had so many students that we just kept grouping up so I could see more people each week. There wasn't enough time in the week to see each person individually. Last March I was teaching 16 small groups per week (approx 6 students each). I had many fewer private lessons than small groups. Small groups were awesome- we still focused on biomechanics, proper form, learning the details of traditional exercises. But it wasn't the same. There wasn't always time to address a person's specific issue, something unique to their own body. I couldn't have my eyes on them every moment and there was no way to individualize each lesson to get them where they could be. I knew I could offer so much more in a private session. I was teaching at full capacity and still turning down private lessons almost daily. And I didn't want to- I knew deep down that my passion was with the individual sessions. Somehow, it seemed better to see my people in small groups and see more of them rather than consolidate and see fewer one-on-one. And to be honest it was a lot easier to make ends meet financially with small groups than privates. With my dreams of a home studio, I knew at some point I wouldn't worry about the money, that one day I'd have a home studio and move back to the model that I started with- tending toward more private one-on-one sessions that made me fall in love with the systems of movement that I study.

Something that's bugged me when I'm asked what I do is the perception of Pilates & Yoga. It is sometimes seen more of a workout and something for 'fit' people. I don't think calling myself a Pilates & Yoga Instructor really begins to explain what I do. I've begun to call my sessions "Movement Therapy" and it more accurately describes my work. Here is how I describe it:

Movement Therapy involves the use of functional and bio mechanically sound movement to approach physical issues or conditions. Often used as a post rehab tool, it is made up of gentle movement methods that inform the mind body connection to help bring a body out of pain and back into ideal posture. Techniques familiar to Pilates, Yoga and fascia hydration are utilized with effective cueing and modifications for each individual body, bringing your body into alignment through your newly heightened awareness. Each session is highly personalized and seeks to address the specifics of the way you were built. You may not always feel like you had a strenuous 'workout', but the deep work you did is much more beneficial to your body and will reap better results with lasting impact. The awareness you gain will allow you to take what you learn into all parts of your life, not just exercise.

AND- I think private lessons work well in tandem with group exercise. That's why I still teach 4 virtual group classes each week- but the ratio of private sessions to groups has changed! I'm now teaching more private lessons than small groups and seeing lots of satisfying results. The private lessons teach you how to move better and will prepare you to get more out of your classes. The beauty of it is that this method will actually help you to get more out of LIFE and allow you to move functionally throughout the tasks of a regular day, pain free and with a heightened awareness of your body. I absolutely love my virtual small classes! It's so rewarding to see your progress. I also love when I get to check in with people in those classes in a private lesson from time to time, in order to hone in on specific postural techniques unique to that person. Students who do an occasional private coupled with regular virtual group classes or a membership in my On Demand Library get more out of their group classes. I teach private lessons either virtually or in my home studio. I have seen the most healing and lasting progress from students who do a combination of a weekly private with 1-2 of my weekly classes. But, any combination of this work will bring benefits. Some of my students did privates with me years ago to heal an injury and maintain their routine via groups. I work with people on ways to individualize their program to fit their budget and schedule. There are some students who eventually 'graduate' from private lessons and that's wonderful! But some need or choose to stay in privates to continue to work on unraveling the lifetime of habitual movement patterns that have crept in. I like to think that main thing that I teach is awareness- giving you the tools to help yourself for the rest of the week when my eyes are not on you. Even if your thing has been Virtual groups this past year, it could be interesting to schedule a one-on-one session to see where you're at individually! Whichever way you choose to join me, there is something to gain.

My home studio is very Covid safe! It has a separate entrance completely private from our home. The space is not connected to our home ventilation system and it has an Air Doctor air purifier plus plenty of windows and doors to open for air flow. The floors are heated, so it's not too chilly to leave a cracked door if you prefer. We wear masks and I keep distance from you while instructing. I am getting some nice photos taken soon and will send those out when ready so you can have a peek! In the meantime, I'd be happy to give you a complimentary virtual tour- just ask!

“I always feel better and like my body has made real change after a session with Mandee. I am being extra careful with the pandemic and have been impressed with the care that Mandee has taken to make sure her clients feel as safe as possible: separate exterior door to new studio, leaving the back door open, and having a new air purifier going. I look forward to my session every week!.” Sara P.


To schedule a private, fill out my new client form.

Click here to register for virtual group classes.

Click here to subscribe to my monthly On Demand Video Library.


Life Right Now + Serving India


****Holiday Joys****